Thursday, June 3, 2010

It's not about my needs...duh!?!

Hi all,

So I had a few events happen this evening that reminded me of how selfish I have been over the last few days. "My needs" have consumed me. "I need" orphanage donation money, "I need" to travel before school starts in the fall, "I need" answers to the hundreds of questions I have a day about Maire, "I need" to buy clothes for her..."I need". "I need" ice cream.

What I really need is to lighten up and let go!

I was reminded tonight that not every child who needs love is an orphan. Lots of kids have a parent (s), but they still need someone in their life who cares...being a parent doesn't always mean you're good at it. How sobering a thought?

I have been spending some time (sporadic and unannounced time) with a young lady entering her teens--she shows up on my door step needing night it was a ride home, one night is was a drink, tonight, I offered her dinner with us when came knocking-she quickly accepted. 2 hours later, she was back needing a ride home. The strange thing is, I don't know this child. The first time she showed up at my door, it was late and she needed a ride home. She was walking when she got scared (it was after 9:00pm) and our house was the only one on the street with a light on. She lives about 2 miles from us. Don't misunderstand, I have no idea what this child's home life is like...she may have amazing parents. But driving home tonight, I was thinking "I hope I'm not being taken advantage of." Then I thought..."Why?" So what, maybe she is taking advantage of me. She is not harming my family in anyway. As a matter of fact, she is helping me remind my children that God wants us to be a blessing to others. This child was brought into my life for a reason. I thought she needed something from me. But maybe I needed something from her.

It isn't about me...this adoption was NEVER supposed to be about me. It is about a child who needs a home...a child who needs to be loved her entire life...a child who is free from the cold floors of a concrete orphanage. That child is Maire. And God has given me the job of meeting HER needs. God is allowing me to love her. to the 'raffle'. It is no longer a raffle. If you want a chance to win one of the "coast to coast" items, simply let me know by commenting on this post. In your comment--here comes the kicker--you have to tell me what you have done to be a blessing to someone else OR how someone else has blessed you. If you do that, then you are entered! If you want to "chip in" and donate to our cause, even better! If you don't, you are still in the running!

God knows what I need to bring Maire home. God is truly the one who provides the funds. He has advocates and angels walking this earth. A God who can breathe stars can find the funds to bring home this child.

Written from my heart and with very little forethought!


PolkCountyEMA said...

(Nicole again)
What have I done to be a blessing? Honestly, not something I think about much especially now that I'm not teaching and my world no longer consists of hardly any people. I guess I'll I've got lately would be online encouragement to various friends. Maybe teaching a friend going through a divorce and concerned about finances my coupon tips - I'm not sure she's using them yet, but she was very thankful for the tips.

How others have been a blessing? Some friends moved away a couple of weeks ago and gave us all of their groceries. They know money has been tight, but they have soooo many friends with bigger families than us and they weren't people we saw very often. I couldn't believe that we even popped into their heads to be the ones to give their groceries. I'm thankful and blessed!

The Sheron's said...

Mike and I donated $250 to smile train to help pay for cleft lip surgery for one child in China= did not tell you this to be entered- but I am hoping that this will help to give us closure after losing our first referral- we made the donation for a child in chila in the name of our lost referral. I just felt led to do this -

Debby Vannoy said...

How have I been a blessing? What a thought. I try to be the best friend and be there. Family members are going through a rough time and I am doing everything I can to be encouraging. I am remembering them every day in my prayers.

My biggest blessing today was to have my 7 year old daughter hug me and tell me that she loves me so much. We adopted Morgan from China almost 7 years ago and she is a blessing every day to us.