Hi all! Well, we are buried in 15 inches of snow, but what better way to bond as a family! Snowed in! Andy is fighting a terrible cold, and Jude has a bit of a cough, too. But the rest of us are happy and healthy! Maire is adjusting to life in a family. She continues to make amazing progress, but struggles with the time change. Promise to write more later (& post some pictures). We seem to have misplaced our camera battery charger.... hmmmm, I can't imagine how. The house is spotless....hahahaha!

Welcome Home Maire! 20 hours of flying and 24 hours without sleep---we look pretty darn good! (Maire had several naps though)
YES! Lets see some pictures from Missouri, please! Maire and the boys in snow would be a great beginning! But some pics from your trip would do!
Hope Andrew gets to feeling better! Tell him to avoid coughin' since it sounds like coffin...how very Chinese of me!
You look awesome, way better than we did the last time we came home from China. We felt like something the cat dragged in!
I just read Jim's comment and that is too funny!
Congratulations! I can't wait to meet your precious baby girl!
I can't decide who's smile is bigger...Angie's or Maire's?! Looks like it was a beautiful homecoming. Can't wait for more pictures and another udpate.
It is so good to be home but I think Andy gave me is cold :) Ok I think Chloe gave it to me.
Love the picture, I am sure my smile was that big after I realized we were back in my comfort zone.
Congratulations on your beautiful Maire! Loved reading your blog ~ your sense of humor is awesome ~ turned me into one of those annoying people that kept reading little blurbs out loud to my hubby. :-)
btw, we're in Missouri as well - down in SW MO!
Jill G from RQ
Congratulations on your little girl. She's gorgeous.
What part of MO are you from?
We're in Columbia!
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