I know I keep putting up these quick snippets and promising more later--but boy, 3 kids takes a lot of time! Not to mention sorting through 7 bins of size 2T clothes for my girl! (my wonderful cousin has amazing hand me downs! I am so lucky!! Thank you Rach!) The only problem with a 22 lb child who is 36 inches tall...her pants won't stay up!
Ok, quick update: Maire's pediatrician appt could not have gone better. Dr. is very happy with her health, so prayers are answered there. We do have to visit a neurologist in the future. Maire's report shows a few "seizure like" episodes, so we need to get that checked out. Keep that in your prayers, please.
She has made amazing progress already. We could not be more in love! Lucy (the dog) feels differently, but is tolerating yet another addition to the family! Jude and Jack got to introduce their sister to many school friends today at the book fair. It went very well. Maire was little miss sunshine, and quite the entertainer!
Jude had a hip hop performance last night during the high school basketball game. He knocked it out of the park! That kid can dance!! Love it!
Jack continues to exhibit signs that he is closer to a "tween" then I care to admit. He is wicked smart, but doesn't always "apply" himself! Sounds like a typical kid to me! Both the boys are so good with their sister. They entertain her, spoon feed her when mom is multi tasking, and even change her diaper. Of course, with mom or dad's supervision.
I can honestly say this transition is so much easier than I thought it would be. We prayed for Maire's transition, praying that God would prepare her heart for this huge life changing experience, and He answered our prayers. Do we have our moments---YIP! Will there be hurdles--count on it! But it is truly like she has always been here! She fits right in. We just adore her. We are so blessed and so lucky that God has allowed us to parent this amazing child. Three amazing children--as a matter of fact. Each of my children are loved so very much. They radiate such joy, and truly make me a better person.
I loved reading this! I don't buy any pants or jean shorts for Susu unless they have the adjustable elastic in the waist band.
Wonderful update! As for the pants safety pins are my new best friend for the skinny minis.
Love the picture of Jude, I would love to see him dance someday.
Jack sounds like a great big brother.
Give them all a hug for me.
Oh and Toby is not thrilled with his little sister, either :)
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