Wednesday, January 19, 2011

We are connected!

We were finally able to get into blogger and facebook, but don't know how long the connection will last! So here is a brief update.

We have our beautiful in our arms!! Day one was ok, but she is very scared and confused. She doesn't leave our side (She loves her Daddy as much as her Mommy), but there are tears and whimpers as she tries to understand what is happening. She sleeps and eats very well for us, so that is good. We are in Changsha now, but head to Guangzhou by train tomorrow. It has snowed here for 3 days straight and it is very cold! Guangzhou will be a welcome with its mild temps. We are getting cabin fever!!

All in all, she is doing great considering the turmoil she must feel. Please pray that she continues to adjust well. Pray that Mommy and Daddy continue to practice patience during this journey!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love love love the picture of all three of you finally together. So happy that you were able to get on the blog!