Sunday, September 19, 2010

What did I say about quitting...

This is NOT the article 5 we've been hoping for, simply a letter that indicates they are going to process the article 5 letter soon...I'm going back to bed...for a week.


Jimh. said...

I'm so sorry to hear that there is yet another disappointment for you.

Faith, Hope, and Love said...

You have go to be kidding??!!! I am SO sorry Angie!!!!!!! Praying for you...

The Wells Family said... IS the article 5 after all. It just doesn't say that anywhere on it! is being taken to the embassy tomorrow in hopes we can get an October travel date! Woo hoo!!

Mike and Barb said...

Oh, good, your last comment gave me hope that things ARE moving after all!
Hang in there!!