Found myself down and out for a few days with a herniated disk. But after one visit to the physical therapist and about 100 prayers, I am at 100%! I knew God would heal me, and he did!
I had hoped Maire would be in our arms by now, but we are still waiting for our USCIS paperwork update. I will wait 10 more minutes then make my daily call to my officer for a status update! We have already sent in Maire's I-800 request and Visa paperwork, so we are moving in the right direction! I got a new picture of my sweet girl, but it came in a pdf and cannot for the life of me figure out how to get it to a jpg-but I can tell you, this child has the cutest dimple right in the middle of her chin! I just love it! And she looks like she's put on a pound or two in foster care, which is FANTASTIC!
Please pray for God to prepare her heart for this difficult journey in her future. As the end of July approaches, I must switch my thinking cap to "First day of school". Jude turned 5 this summer (see pics) and starts Kindergarten on August 18. I am praying to be here for the first day of school for the boys! I really don't want to miss it. For Jude's birthday he got a brand new Star Wars backpack and lunchbox. He put it on eagerly and has not taken it off since (I had to peel it off of him while he slept one night!) At his party, I watched him put it on the first time...and I cried. He isn't a baby anymore--a big boy. My mom and sisters saw me, understood, and teared up, too. My husband, brother in law, and Dad looked at me like I was crazy!
So, I start collecting the school supply list, getting out the uniforms and figure out what fits who and what doesn't fit and what pants need to be hemmed for Jude or patched for Jack. What shirts are salvageable and what shirts should now be used for cleaning cloths! School shoes, school shots (yikes), school haircuts, school school school!
Gotta get it all worked out, so I'm not leaving my parents in a lurch when TA comes. I am trying to plan ahead, but I know me, and I will still be running around like a crazy women when the time comes!
Glad to hear you're feeling so much better!!! It sound like you needed to heal not only for Maire, but for school prep as well! My youngest in entering kindy this year and it really is such an enormous milestone. If I could just freeze them all just as they are right now... But it's fun watching them become what they were created to be too. Parenting - what a ride!
Praying for punctual paperwork processing,
would you be open to telling me a bit about your experiences with the burundi program? we're in the beginning stages and i'm curious why your family chose to withdraw...thanks!
Melissa, thank you so much for visiting my blog! What is your blog site addy? Leslie, I would like to share my thoughts, but not on the blog. Can you "email" me at angelawells1 (at)live (dot) com? I love the children of Burundi and pray for positive work to be done there soon!
Your daughter is beautiful. I am excited for you! I was hoping that maybe you could tell me a little about your adoption attempt from Burundi. We are thinking of an adoption from there (we have a daughter from Ethiopia) and would love to know the pitfalls. Please feel free to tell me to suck a lemon : )
my e-mail is
Thank so much!
Ha! I did not even notice that leslie had asked the same question
: )
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