So we have reached the end of this journey, I think! A few weeks ago I posted about receiving our Article 5, but it actually wasn't. Then our agency contacted us the next day and said "YES, that IS your article 5." But then a week later we discovered it really wasn't the Article 5---again. Needless to say, I am a daily user of Pepcid! Then we learned the agency misplaced a very important piece of paperwork, so we had to wait for a duplicate to be printed and mailed to our agency (that took 2 weeks). Then our agency had to overnight it to our facilitator in China. He then had to hand deliver it to the US Consulate, but you can ONLY do that on Mondays or Thursdays. So finally on the 7th, it made it to the consulate. I contacted my agency week before last and they had not update for us. So...I contacted the consulate myself! And they returned my email! They were so very gracious and let us know our Article 5 (yes, the REAL one) would be ready for pick up on the 28th! This is the "one" we've been waiting for! Now it gets picked up by our facilitator on Monday, overnight to Beijing to the China Center of Adoption Affairs, and on tuesday, we should be "officially" waiting for Travel Approval. Yes, we have heard that before ("TA" is next), but unfortunately our agency is learning right along with us--nothing is as easy as it seems! However, we are both 100% that TA is next! Now some folks saw the TA's come in less than a week. Others have been waiting almost 4 weeks. The average is 2-5 weeks. There seems to be no real format for processing the TA's (that we can see) so we are praying that our early LID (10/18/07) and they consider the very long wait since we've received our Letter of Approval for Maire (May 28, 2010) and have mercy on us! We would love to be on a plane to get her in late November.
We received her September update from Love Without Boundaries. She is making leaps and bounds---LITERALLY! She has learned to not only walk, but run and jump! She has our photo album book now and it is her prized possession. She keeps it on her pillow, which is where I keep HER picture, too! I can't wait to just touch her sweet face.
On the homefront! Halloween is upon us and the boys are truly enjoying the season. Jude and I hung giant spiders and cobwebs out front, along with a few gravestones! Jack's standard achievement test came back on Thursday---we have our work cut out for us. Apparently, his overall testing scores are at a 7th grade level, and his reading comprehension at a 10th grade level (Jack is our 3rd grader)! Maybe we have a "Harvard Grad" on our hands! Jude's very first PAT conference was GREAT! He is doing amazing at letters, numbers, handwriting, and overall behavior. His only drawback--he is a bit too social! He loves to talk :) But, that is my Judebug! He is life of the party, even in Kindergarten!
My midterms grades were very good, which I am so thankful for! It has been 13 years since I graduated from college! I have about 2-3 semesters left before I am officially certified to teach in the state of Missouri!
Andy is working his tail end off as the soul "bread winner" for this growing family. He has truly been amazing. A great example to his boys, an amazing husband to me, and an example for others to look up to. Off to work at 7:30, eating lunch at home to save money, home at 4:30 or later, walks the dogs, carves the pumpkins, takes Jude to dance, takes out the trash, picks up Jude from dance, feeds the dogs, walks the dogs (again), then off to bed--just to get up and do it all again the next day.
The house is still on the market, so if you are interested in living on the most beautiful street in Missouri, let me know! :) We are praying it sells soon. We love our home, but have decided we need a basement AND a wee bit smaller house payment!
Things are hectic around here, needless to say. Sorry I've not posted in so long, but when there is very little to report on the adoption front, it makes blogging seem so dull! Pray for a quick TA and quick resources to finalize our journey to sweet Maire! We miss her so much and cannot wait to get her home!
Always believing!
I am SO happy that we are finally in the FINAL wait! Hope our TA's both come quick and we are off to China soon.
Give the boys a high five from me, great to hear such wonderful progress reports!
Have a Happy Halloween!
I check your blog nightly for an update and am SOOOO happy to get this one. I have tears in my eyes after reading about where you both sleep with your pictures. I saw the most recent picture of your precious baby and she is beyond cute. Way to go Maire with all the progress this month!!! It sounds like she will be all ready to have brother(s) taboot. Knowing they are ready for their sister as well. Keep the updates coming. Here is to a super sonic speedy TA.
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