Friday, October 8, 2010

Isn't she lovely....

That song has been stuck in my head all day! "Isn't she lovely...? Isn't she wonderful...?" This week was China's national holiday so I have nothing exciting to report. However, we have been told our documents will be delivered to the US embassy on Monday and we should have a date in 2 weeks...hmmmm, we've heard that before! I'm not getting exciting until I have an airline ticket in my hand! Hope to have good news to post on this site soon!


Jimh. said...

things DOOOO have a strange tendency to get misplaced over there...somewhere just off Lake City Way...

Amy said...

Lisa called me a couple days ago and I got all excited when I saw Wells on my caller id. I was very happy to talk with Lisa but I am waiting for a phone call from the other Wells family with some very good news! : )

Dear Jesus,
Please help that phone call to come soon!

Reena said...


I am a fellow RQ'r and an adoption blog stalker LOL.

Isn't she Lovely was the theme song I used for our first adoption as well.

Best Wishes that everything moves quickly from this point on.